herding rabid sea slugs
There are no cobwebs here. Perhaps the only place in the house that's web free. Now that I've learned some trixie things that I can do with Scrivener and DragonSpeak, I've stopped dragging my heels about making sense and order out of some 130 thousand words that have materialized since this time last year . Notice my new muse, St. Brad...I don't know if he's interested in the endeavor or he's looking down my shirt. I'm not sure I want to see "Fury." I tend to get emotionally involved with rage. I was feeling the need for some 70s color in the book and I found some useful source material on Ebay. This is where I got my cultural news. No TV, no internet. Remembering life before so much technology and connectivity is like spending time on a deserted island. So slow and delicious.