the germ of a new story
Yeah..just look at her face for a second. The shit we used to hear! And yes dear, we listened in. Just for a second to make sure the connection was good. Way back in the day, I was a telephone operator for Ma Bell. It was just like that, right down to the equipment. I could write a book! The premise could go in two directions . Like her, it could easily happen that you accidentally overheard something that you wished to God you hadn't. Shit ensues. It happened to me more than once. And then there was my daily idle fantasy of establishing my own phone company called the ES&D network. That stood for "eat shit and die". A network for the burgeoning legion of creeps who liked being abused over the phone. I believe they have grown up to be fans of E.L. James. The customer would pay fifty bucks a month for the service (a lot back then for a phone) and could only call The Operator who would abuse him (or the rare her) in a creative and deeply offensive manner ...